I believe in purpose-driven design, yet cherish the abstract significance of things intrinsic value, and beauty.

Hi! My name is Hannah, 26 y/o from Stockholm, Sweden. I’m an XR student with a BSc in Media Technology who wants to merge art and technology to build memorable experiences.

A Brief History

Painting was my first creative medium, and my grandmother taught me how to both sew and knit before the age of five. I love anything involving arts & crafts and spend most of my free time on any of my passion projects! In addition, I have an ever-growing list of other interests including nature and marine life, language, culture and history, philosophy, and many many more.

Growing up I spent a lot of time on sports. At eleven years old I qualified and competed at the national championships for the first time as a figure skater. After retiring some years later, I remained active as a coach for another few years. I’ve also spent quite some dancing; ballet, contemporary, hip-hop, and modern jazz.

In high school, I enrolled in the fine arts program where I got to discover digital art and new disciplines of design. Since then, I‘ve continued my creative studies parallel to other areas of academia- including my bachelor's in Media Technology and the Immersive Experience Creator program at Futuregames.